Luna Miguel

Lady Bird

Antes de ser mujer
fui pájaro
y fui niña.

Antes de las tardes de sexo.

De las mañanas de sexo.

Antes de los días adúlteros

y adolescentes
abierta a otros
que no eras tú.

Fui pájaro sin acné.
Fui gorrión y mirlo.
Odié gaviotas.

Apenas susurré.

Hoy el color de mis alas
es el de todas las mujeres.

Por mi pecho y mis caderas.

Porque he crecido y he mutado.

Porque yo fui niña,

fui niña:

y olvidé que la sangre no era
sino blanca.

Y olvidé entonces mi infancia.

Como todas las mujeres.


Lady Bird

Before being a woman
I was a bird
and I was a girl.

Before the evenings of sex.

The mornings of sex.

Before the adulterous days

and adolescents
open to others
that were not you.

I was a bird without acné.
I was a sparrow and blackbird.
I hated seagulls.

Only whispered.

Today, the color of my wings
is that of all women.

For my chest and my hips.

Because I have grown and mutated.

Because I was a girl,

I was a girl:

and forgot that the blood was not
but white.

And then I forgot my childhood.

As all women.

(translated into English by Jeremy Spencer)


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